Experience profound releases, deep healing, & beautiful openings
Intimate Transformation Intensive
Group work that facilitates true openness and authenticity
Intimate Transformation Intensive
Integrate spiritual practice into your daily life
Intimate Transformation Intensive
This program will change you from the inside out
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The Transformational Program You've Been Looking For
The program offers spiritual practices that are practical and grounded – not lofty, ideal and unattainable. Sacred sexuality that’s passionate and profound – not fluffy and limited to soft touch and eye gazing. Emotional work that is balanced and centered – not dramatic and chaotic. Transformational group work that’s supportive – not ego bashing.
After living in a spiritual community for several years, I saw the importance of integrating the spiritual practice into daily life. I wanted: A path that embodies spiritual principles, without using them to avoid or justify emotions, thoughts, and actions; A way to penetrate the sneaky spiritual ego that seems to go unnoticed; A space to get real, vulnerable and intimate without all the insincere eye gazing and ten minute hugs; A teaching that encompasses body, emotions, thoughts, sexuality, and aspiration for elevating consciousness; A community that’s committed to evolving and supporting each other.
ITI is a transformational retreat to guide you into Full, Free & Fearless living. Click on each section below to learn more.
Discover, live, and love yourself exactly as you are – no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
Wishing you could figure out a way to just show up as you are without all the mental mindfucks around what people might think?
Sick of seeking validation from everyone besides yourself and don’t know how to self-source love and approval?
Tired of trying to prove yourself and exhausted of living by everyone else’s standards and expectations instead of your own?
Ashamed to admit that you’ve been creating an image of who you want to be and worried people are going to see right through it?
The ITI will help you to not be plagued by ‘What should I do with my life?”, instead you will be more in touch with what you want and you’ll have the confidence and motivation to go after it. The “I am not sure if I can” or “I am not good enough,” becomes, “I know what I need to do to get to where I want to be; and, I am going to make this happen.”
You will also have strength and centeredness to take a stand against other’s expectations and projections. When you are met with disapproval and disappointment, you will have the clarity to hold space for them and what they are feeling, without compromising yourself. There will be no more need to push forth an image of how you would like to be seen, because you will feel comfortable exactly as you are.
As you pass through this inner transformation, you will witness the world around you change in how it responds to you. The same relentless challenges and people will stop appearing in your life.
“In the ITI, I realized in what kind of illusion I lived with all my protectors and defenses. By working on my traumas and fears, so much energy started to flow freely throughout my body.”Sonja
“I had a picture of how I wanted to be seen (extrovert, cool, outgoing, funny) and now I just live. Before, I was just showing masks. I didn’t allow myself to be fully be me. Now I play the roles and do it consciously, and am not ruled by them. It just happens, I don’t work actively at creating an image, just do what needs to be done.”Damian
Embrace your sexuality as a sacred & mystical force.
Do you know what you like and don’t like when it comes to sexual intimacy? Are you comfortable to talk about it with your partner?
Not happy with the way your body looks and tired of trying to hide the parts you don’t like?
Bored of the same love making routine with the same few positions and wanting inspiration to bring more spark to your sex life?
Yearning for sexuality to be a part of your spirituality and not something separate from it?
The prerequisites and ITI itself have a powerful transformative ability to liberate you from shyness, shame and inhibitions to a full, free and fearless sexuality. Through the process your relationship to sexuality will change. Instead of using sex to gain love and attention, it will become a vehicle for profound intimacy and connection.
You will bask in the joy and pleasure that moves through your body because it is no longer weighed down by concerns with body image and blockages from the past. This new acceptance and embodiment of your sexual power leaves you free to express your desires without embarrassment. You will have the confidence to set your boundaries and no longer harm or compromise yourself for someone else’s wishes.
You will be initiated into the Tantric mentality, embracing your sexuality as a means for your spiritual awakening. Many traditional spiritual paths do not accept sexuality as a means for spiritual evolution and therefore preach sexual repression. And, many modern sexual teachings are limited to merely focusing on the aspects of pleasure and self-gratification. The Tantric approach to sexuality is unique in that it allows an individual on a spiritual path to harness energies that are internal within us all, and direct them towards self-realization. Through techniques, powerful orgasms, and rituals you will learn how to awaken and channel your sexual energy for healing and enlightening purposes.
“Sex became less about chasing release, and more about being released from the addiction of a goal with no benefits, an end point with no purpose. I also found the void I was trying to fill with sex. I moved from sexuality for a moment of peace, to sexuality for connection. That connection brings a deeper peace and is longer lasting…”Chris
“The context of the group could really support my sexual emancipation from the societal programming, inhibitions, judgments and traumas. I can honestly say that I am more open sexually after going through this program. The most important thing that I got was a few subtle insights on how to practically link my sexual force with my spiritual aspiration.”Alex
“The rituals have supported me to gain more sexual freedom and overcome fears and shame around the topic of sexuality.”Sonja
“I used to not love my yoni (vagina) and the ITI made me see how I have been lacking to love this part of my body that’s so intimate. I have been able to really shift the conditioning I had in my mind around it. Since I have shifted this, and the man I have been with after have been worshiping it without me talking about it at all, so the law of resonance really showed up here which is so beautiful.” Arja
Connect to the intuitive power of your emotions and amplify your experience of life
Are you wanting a transformational program that has a no fluff policy, but still does deeply emotional and intimate work?
Confused what to actually do when someone tells you to be present with your emotions?
Are you someone who feels stuck in your head and has a hard time getting in touch with your emotions?
Or are you someone who feels overwhelmed by your emotions and would like to be able to experience them with more clarity and composure?
Many spiritual and religious paths shame and disown your emotions, instead of recognizing the energy and intuitive messages that they carry. By meeting them with presence, embodying and channeling all emotions you can become a vibrant, radiant, fulfilled person. You will have the ability to get in touch with and respond to what you are feeling in a healthy and harmonious way. You will have the tools to sit with what you are feeling, instead of being overwhelmed and seeking distraction with Netflix or Instagram, or numbing through food or substances. You will know how to get out of your mind and into your heart and body and actually feel the life you are living, instead of just thinking about it.
“During the ITI, I first started by making friends with my emotions, finding them a place and giving them the love they deserve. Then after acknowledging the main emotional issues in myself, I got into an amazingly powerful process of cutting the bullshit and striving toward authenticity. I really could receive the teaching of owning all parts of myself, emotions, triggers, shadows in a way to become truer in the relationship with myself and others around me. I could really discover my deepest flaws and learn how to work with them for more holism and integrity. It definitely supported my spiritual evolution in the way that it put me face to face with myself and the place where I am at right now, so I can acknowledge where to start from and what the next step is.”Alex
“The ITI is an unbelievable gift. For me this was an opportunity to learn new ways to practice emotional intelligence as well as have a space to experience how to live as an embodied Tantric practitioner.”Carrie
Allow your words to carry the truth of your being and create empowerment and connection in all circumstances.
Tired of avoiding difficult conversations or conflicts?
Afraid of being a doormat and people taking you for granted?
Exhausted by trying to take care of yourself and then feeling guilty about doing so?
Worried you might hurt someone, so instead you keep quiet and revert to pleasing mode?
The ITI and its prerequisites will give you the tools you need be able get in touch with and speak to what you are feeling and thinking in any situation. You will no longer be plagued by fear of being judged, criticized, or blamed because you are in touch with your humanity and open to learning. You also will have the capacity to connect with the pain the person is feeling in that moment and really hear what they are saying. You will have the confidence and skills to approach difficult topics with care and gentleness, and remove lingering resentments that kill any relationship. You will be able speak your mind, while holding space for the other person as well in moments of disagreement. You will get to experience what it is like to be completely honest and transparent with what you are feeling and thinking.
“I feel more safe and comfortable to admit when I am wrong. It’s not about being weak, it’s about realizing what isn’t working. I can let it go and build myself back up again and face the people I love and care about.”Chris
“What I loved the most about the ITI, is the possibility to be completely honest, this was really amazing.”Rubina
Embody the Tantric mentality as you live a conscious and heart centered life.
Wishing you had spiritual teachings that would incorporate sexuality, emotions and relationships, while remembering the true nature of your being?
Wanting a path that honors a dedicated meditative practice as well as living with mindfulness and from the heart?
Do you want to awaken to the bliss of the present moment, instead of getting lost in worries about the future?
This 4 week intensive is a truly groundbreaking experience that combines the study of techniques and rituals from Yoga and Tantra with modern psychological tools such as (cognitive behavioral therapy, the work by Byron Katie, Non-violent communication, etc.) and teachings to understand previously hidden aspects of the personality and the ways in which we are separating from the Divine.
The program aims to give you the tools to integrate the principles of Tantra so that you can experience deeper insights into the nature of your existence, live with an awakened awareness, and unite sex and spirit. You will learn to cultivate mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual refinement, gifting you a balanced and harmonious life. These refinements will allow you to gain insight into internal barriers, repressed emotions, and ego-driven actions that we are all programmed with and give you a true sense of freedom.
“I couldn’t surrender to a concept of “God” or the “Divine” because I didn’t feel like “it” ever had my back in life. Through the ITI, I learned how to embrace the idea of a peaceful, joyful surrender to the Divine, when I couldn’t trust it before. Also, I broke my unhealthy relationship with the idea of surrender.”Chris
“Experiences I had had in the past of awakening became clearer and my experiences of this within the ITI were the most profound and clear they have ever been. More importantly, there is a true sense of stabilizing my consciousness there more of the time which was my greatest hope and intention for this period.”Carrie
“I had experienced that Tantra is a path to the divine. Before, I “knew” it, and was talking about Tantra and how it is a spiritual path and can really help you, that came more from a lip-service/repeating parrot rather than experiencing or understanding it myself. During the ITI I have received the grace to experience how sacred love making brings us into higher states of consciousness and I am amazed how quickly I have seen results on the Tantric path.”Arja
The ITI will help you discover your blind spots, unconscious beliefs, and habitual patterns and give you the tools to have profound releases and open into your full potential.
Starting two months prior to the program you will be given assignments for self-reflection including questions to send out to your friends for them to share their perspective about you.
We will have an orientation call slightly before the program starts so that we can cover logistical details to help maximize our time together. This will allow us to dive straight into doing deep transformative work when we meet for the retreat.
We will also have post ITI group calls to support your integration process.
You will have one 1 on 1 integration call with Justine to further support your integration process
You will be receive a series of video, audio lectures and written matieral that will give you a foundation of knowledge around sexuality and conscious relating. Please note that these must be completed prior to the training.
If you have taken workshops with me previously, this will cover some of the material in the prerequisites. If you have taken workshops with people who have studied under me, please email me (baruchjustine@gmail.com) the name of the workshop you attended, the date, the teacher and the location. This may also cover some of the material in the prerequisites.
There will be several love making rituals that you do in your own home during the first two weeks. You can chose not to participate in this part of the program if you do not have a partner. Please note that your partner does not have to be in the ITI.
If you are interested in attending the program and are looking for a partner, you can join our private Facebook group with other singles who are looking for a partner for the program; consider it an online dating platform. What’s great about this platform is that everyone involved already has very strong shared goals and values, simply by singing up for this program.
Please note that there will be 11 days during the program where you will need to be living in your own house. You cannot share a house with your partner during this time. Details will be emailed to you upon your acceptance into the program.
The month long program is a substance, alcohol, and tobacco free time. You will be encouraged to live a healthy lifestyle building up to the program so that you can do deep transformational work and not be distracted by withdrawal symptoms.
This course is intended for people who are interested in working with the edge and works on the assumption that you are able to self regulate triggers that come up for you and capable of managing your own reactions and emotions in a range of challenging scenarios.This course is not trauma therapy. This course may not be suitable for people currently experiencing acute trauma or symptoms of complex post traumatic stress disorder.
Please note that this is an intensive training, which will require a full dedication of your energy and time. There will be periods of time where you we will go into retreat mode, thus no communication with the outside world. Generally we will have two sessions a day, 6 days a week. There will be occasional afternoon/days off throughout the program.
This program is mostly experiential. Most theory will be given to you prior to the start of the program. You will receive free lectures about conscious sexuality and relating.
This intensive does include nudity and sexual interactions, and always with the understanding that all exercises are optional. This program support you in discovering what you want and honoring your boundaries.